I have 2.5 days left on the Machen Ranch. *sniffle* I'm really gonna miss everybody!!
I need to find me a nice rancher cowboy, preferably in Texas. Anybody know one?
Fletcher is costing me an arm and a leg... but when he rolls over and purrs excessively while I rub his belly, it makes it all worth it. He still bites too much though.
One of the ranch cats (Wisdom) came stumbling in yesterday with a broken/crushed shoulder. Poor baby! But she's feral, so not much I can do besides give her food and water.
Being back in WA will be quite the climate and culture shock.
More people should use sir and ma'am in regular speech. And y'all.
I wish I could have gotten my quilt quilted before leaving, but alas, I shall have to finish it back in WA.
I think I want my next project to be a victorian era corset (just not one that'll cinch up too tight).
Packing... oh buddy, this should be interesting.
Met a lady at church today who grew up in Bemidji, MN and has a sister who lives in the Renton area. Small world!
That's all for now, next post will likely be written in WA.