I'm still here! This whole giving up facebook for Lent is harder than I thought it would be... I didn't realize just how many times per day people say "Oh, I'll post it on facebook" or "You should totally post that picture" etc. I have come to realize that people don't show you pictures in person anymore, they have to put them on facebook first. Hmm, I guess my generation really is getting less and less personal.
Work is getting crazier and crazier. We got our first bitty baby raccoon last night. Oh my goodness, I've never heard something cry so much! We also got 3 D size opossums, 4 B size, and 1 E size, 1 B squirrel, 1 grackle, 2 pigeons, 2 adult raccoons, 2 adult skunks. I didn't finish doing intake until 1 a.m., and didn't get off work until 2:45. Long night.
And now some other bits of news from WRR:
*I got sprayed in the face by a skunk the other night. Point blank range. And it got in my mouth. In case you were wondering, skunk spray on the skin burns, and in your mouth it tastes pretty darn bad. BUT on the up side, I did manage to get some fluids into him.
*We had a raccoon loose in the clinic and she got up in the air ducts, coming down every night in order to trash the isolation room, and then go back up into the ceiling. We finally caught her in a live trap, and hopefully we can pump her full of meds for her mange and release her.
*Tessa (the kitty who got attacked by a dog) is now officially living in the apprentice trailer. Such a sweetie :) Except she still hates the boys...
*We got a grey fox in the other night. Such a beautiful animal :)
*I was taking the trash out tonight, and walked past a gaggle of geese, some juvi raccoons, and heard the African lions roaring in the distance. This place is pretty cool.
*Baby season has begun, I will take pictures of the rooms full of opossums and squirrels, it's pretty impressive.
*SPREAD THE WORD: Opossums are not dangerous, nor do they attack children. They do not carry rabies. They are useful to have around (they eat cockroaches, scorpions, snakes, spiders, and assorted detritus). When they open their mouth and drool, it's a defense mechanism, it doesn't mean they want to bite you.... in fact, unless you stick a something to the back of their throat, they don't chomp down.
*I think that's all for now.
*p.s. I have 3 new roommates. Welcome to the apprenticeship, Dericke, Dan, and Linnea.
What is the enjoyment in horror movies? I will never understand. And I wish people would understand my legitimate loathing of them, and my inability to watch them. Insomnia and paralyzing fear sucks, is that not clear enough?
I really need to start cooking more, I rely too heavily on Amy's frozen dinners. Granted, they are quite tasty... but tomorrow, I will cook! If I'm not too tired... 12 hour days can be a bit taxing.
I finally bought earplugs today. Lovely.
I've had this horrible cold for a week now that leads to uncontrollable coughing fits. Just f.y.i. if you're trying to syringe feed a spooked baby cottontail, coughing at them doesn't really help :P
I think that's enough for now, I'm coming across as whiney, and that's not my intention. I need more sleep.