It's also getting cooler during the night. Like "I might actually have to wear pants soon," cooler! Crazy talk.
I own My Little Pony sheets now. Apparently my roommate is now concerned for my sanity. Oh well, Twilight Sparkle is cute, so who really cares. And season 2 started last week (Woot! Woot!).
I think that sometimes people find me simple and naive because I enjoy Disney movies (and My Little Ponies), I don’t swear, have never had a boyfriend, like simple clean humor, etc. It would seem that what people don’t realize is that it takes a lot more work to have a clean mind than to have a dirty mind. Especially for an intelligent biologist. It just gets to me when people tell me to 'shield my innocent eyes' while watching Underworld; they don't see what goes on in my mind, what thoughts I fight with on a daily basis. *le sigh*
We got a sora and a pied-billed grebe yesterday in intake. How cool is that?! Both beautiful and seem healthy, but they’re just in the wrong place at the wrong time. We're also getting warblers in on a daily basis. They're so adorable! Such a pity when migratory birds are injured en route...
Still looking for jobs, and have applied to... 6?.... now. Nothing yet, but here's hoping that someone wants me to take care of animals for them, and pay me for it.
We had a whole new group of newbies start on Tuesday (9 of them!). Sooo much extra time in the clinic now, it's super weird. Though thankfully things are getting cleaned better than they have in ages, so that's pretty nice. I hope all of them stay this time around... Perhaps we can just regale them with tales of baby season, and they'll be so thankful that they don't have to deal with it, they'll love it here...
I call this "Indignation"
I love my job