No apologies.
I very nearly bit off more than I could chew this year.
I've been overwhelmed so much of the time that it's almost a novelty to think "I've got this!"
I can't count how many times I've wanted to throw in the towel and just move back to Washington, to a less intense, more familiar type of life.
Would I regret it forever?
I'm really tired in a lot of ways.
But I'm really thankful too.
It's too bad that I forget about that on a regular basis.
I forget how good I've got it, how I work for an amazing and world famous organization, how I've been so welcomed by so many, how God has blessed me with everything I really need...
So here's to my yearly reminder that I am loved, despite me.
I've got that VeggieTales song running through my head, "I thank God for this day, for the sun in the sky, for my mom and my dad, for my piece of apple pie..."
And on that note, thank you God for you, for your grace, your forgiveness, your controlled anger, your willingness to listen to dust and vapor, your goodness, your justice, for not being fair.
P.S. Also, thank you for:
A family that loves me for me, it's kind of baffling.
Too many friends to keep up with, a blessing and a point of frustration, but mostly a blessing
Amazingly intelligent coworkers who are willing to teach me what they know, and empathize about the day to day chaos
The opportunity to do things most people don't even think to dream about... I've nursed bald eagles back to health, no biggie.
Constant reminders that in the big scheme of things, I know nothing
An affordable place to live that's not in a soul-sucking apartment complex
A wonderful kitty cat who's okay with being squeezed and held upside down while having his belly rubbed and who sometimes replaces my alarm clock
The opportunity to save a baby starling's life and have him as a friend, even if it was for only a short time
Finnegan finding a new, excellent, home
A paycheck that lets me eat what I want and also afford other little things
Good food
A Chipotle that just so happens to be on my way home from work
A car that runs
New tires on said car
A comfortable bed, desk on permanent loan, and a nest of a chair
A nearby library
Photographs of good times past so I can remember
Doctor Who and My Little Ponies, my escapes from reality when it was all just a little too much to face
The opportunity to go to BroNYcon
A computer that has survived several moves, drops, and a mug of peppermint tea
The opportunity to live so close to so many historical things... seriously, I live within a 3 hour radius of Philly, Baltimore, D.C. and NYC
The ability to build and repair and paint and draw and power tool it up
My little Tardis
My new cellphone that works surprisingly well
And so many many many more wonderful things that I could think of, but right now I'm just too tired and have to get up early
Oh yes, and finally, thanks for a job that lets me work mostly opening shifts
Much Love :)
22 November 2012
06 March 2012
I'm still alive!
Oh wow... the things that you forget when you don't have readily available internet! Like not blogging for almost three months... oops?
Oh well, life goes on.
Just wanted to say a few things to the world :)
I love my job. It's stressful and intimidating at times (okay, intimidating a lot of the time), but overall, I get to do some pretty darn cool things, and handle some pretty amazing birds.
Delaware is not my favorite state ever... too many people, not enough trees and mountains. But the people are usually quite nice, and I guess it's nice to have everything close by. Being surrounded by so much history is a bit overwhelming at times. However, the Brandywine River runs through Wilmington... kinda cool, just sayin'.
I wear a ring now, given to me by a very dear friend. It's taken quite a lot of getting used to, and I almost lost it to an oiled goose in a tube full of Dawn and water. But so far so good.

Oh yes, and yesterday I went and got a new tattoo, downtown Philadelphia, all by myself. My little larger than life baby quail :) His feet are a little wonky, but his face is adorable, so it all works out. My arm really hurts though...

I think that's about it for now. Hopefully it won't be another 3 months before I remember my blog exists!
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