2. That said, I'm looking into jobs in New Zealand. Lord willing, I will work there or go to school there, just not this year.
3. I have finished knitting my Gryffindor scarf, and it reaches my knees :)
4. I do believe that by the time I get back to Washington I will not have a tan.
5. It's looking like I will be going to Maui, but for longer than I thought (possibly until March)
6. As of yesterday, I have seen the 7 wonders of the Big Island of Hawai'i. Me and two other interns went up to the top of Mauna Kea ('white mountain') and saw the world's largest astronomical observatory. There are 13 observatories up there, run by 11 different countries. Some of the most famous photos of space have been taken by those telescopes. I was pretty much floored (the lack of oxygen at 13,796 ft. may have played a small roll in this)
My favorite space picture, the horse head nebula in Orion, was taken by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope

Bethany and Amanda in front of the Gemini and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescopes!

7. Also yesterday we went mamane picking for KBCC's palila. It took awhile, but we got 5 bags full, and got to see a Hawaiian 'Amakihi and a wild sheep with two lambs :)
8. Written on my arm is 1 Corinthians 6:20, and I think it will stay there for a long time (although I think it's rubbing off on my keyboard)
9. I miss my friends in Pullman so much that it hurts sometimes
10. After discovering Dropkick Murphys, I have also discovered that I really like Flogging Molly. I wish I had known that last year when they came to Pullman :P
11. I'm once again working on a story that I began at age 15. The plot is exploding (in a good way), but the characters need development. Not sure how to do that...
12. is a good number to end on. I need to go get some milk at the military camp.
1 comment:
Megan, Colleen, & I went to UP last night. The bird reminded me of...guess who?
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