09 April 2010

Oh, you know...

*It's almost 11:30 pm, and I'm still awake, laying on my bed, drinking a blueberry lager. I lead an exciting life.
*I got my lip pierced (vertical labret) on tuesday. It kinda hurts, but not too bad.
*I think I need to get my hair cut again, it's growing out in a strange fashion.
*I'm really excited to go to an Abney Park concert with Colleen on Sunday. It shall be epically ridiculous!
*The library is becoming my new best friend; I love young adult fiction.
*I really need to work on my books...
*And my drawing...
*And my bridesmaid dress...
*I have so much time, and yet procrastinate so much. Lame.
*I feel as if I should have a more educated vocabulary.
*I'm moving to Texas on May 30th (Lord willing)!!! This will be a hard job, but I think it will be good.
*I need to prove to myself that I'm not lazy.
*I think I might like a boy... maybe... I'm not quite sure yet. I really wish I could talk to him more.
*Alana, Dani, Hannah, and I are thinking about taking a trip to Europe in May. I hope it works out!
*Alana has been really sick this week. I hope the weekend makes a difference.
*I don't know what to do when she doesn't want to eat, and just wants to sleep all the time...
*Granted, she doesn't know what to do either. My poor sister :(
*Does anyone want to do something with me on any evening in the next couple weeks?
*Distractions are amazing! Just throwing that out there.
*He is faithful, even when we are faithless...
*I have a lot of doubts and worries and wonderings and ponderances.
*I need to bring them to Him; that would make my life so much more bearable right now.
*Why are the things that are good for us so hard to do?
*Praise God, for He is always bigger.

1 comment:

Guinevere said...

Hey!!! Congratulations on Texas--it's so exciting!:)!!! Can I see you sometime when I'm in the Seattle area? It'd be between the Jamie and Beth weddings of May 16 & 23, somewhere thereabouts. I'm hoping to spend the whole week in the area, Lord-willing, but at least the two weekends:) Would love, love, LOVE to see you (and your beloved sister, and anyone else around), so reserve a little corner of life, if you can. The corner might have to be in the middle of the circle of life, where all the fractions of the circle make corners, since life is, indeed, an eternal circle:)
Loving you muchly,
~the furry jen