But that to say, I realized a couple days ago that, dang, my blog is kinda depressing. I'm not too depressed, I promise! Life really is good, or at least God certainly is. The friends he has blessed me with are truly remarkable. Even when my life is careening down a rabbit hole and I'm cranky about it, they still tell me I'm cool, or share a blanket with me, or let me crash on their couch, or share their food with me, or leap out of barely stopped cars to hug me. *sigh*. I like those people, a whole lot.
Oh, and speaking of things I like, birds are also on my happy list. I went out to Rose Creek with Mom today, and we saw several western bluebirds. Such lovely, vibrant little creatures. Also saw a house finch, several pygmy nuthatches, california quail, and heard a very vocal pheasant.

And pretty flowers.
That is all.
Technical difficulties...OK, here's what it was supposed to be:
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