I shall never be a great blogger.
I'm okay with this now.
Because I have spotted minions :D

~I got attacked by penicillin today while trying to inject it into a fawns leg. She kicked, the white nastiness exploded everywhere; including my mouth, glasses, and face. Lovely.
~60 fawns. All named. And going strong!
~Felicia and I figured out today that we hand wash 196 bottles, caps, and nipples every day.
~Brooke and Phil Aasen. Their wedding was fantastic. Honoring to God. And a blast! (Though flying to and from Seattle from San Antonio within two days is a recipe for serious jetlag). I'm so glad I got to see everyone though!
~I shaved my legs for the wedding (!!!!!) but it was too much work, so I'm letting the hair grow back now. Plus, when you've never shaved, it sure feels weird!
~I wonder if listing things says something about how pathetically short my attention span is.
~The times when you question your point and purpose in life are frustrating, to say the very least. They also leave you discouraged, lonely, and with the desire to just go join the circus. Or maybe that's just me.
~Where do I go from Texas? I'm at the crest of an emotional wave that wants to push me towards an 8 to 5 job and something that resembles stability. And yet I know that's not what I really want.
~I like Texas a lot, but unless I marry a rancher or something, I don't think I can keep living this life.
~I. NEED. TO. PRAY. Why can't I? There's so much to talk about...
~I'm starting to work on my story again... sort of... in the few breaks from my 12 hour work day.
~I'm really tired, which, I've discovered, leads to either loopiness or depression.
~The babies are wonderful, I love them dearly, even when they chew on my clothes and skin, jump on me, and smear poop and mud on me. Does that make me weird? Probably :)
~My vet tech school application is staring at me, reminding me that I need to ask people for letters of reference. I don't really like doing that so much. Though Gary told me that I could write it and he would just sign it :P
~*sigh* Maybe a nap is in order.
1 comment:
Spotted minions: *Squee!!!* And never say never. You are a good writer. Maybe you won't be a world-renowned blogger, but that's not the epitome of greatness. You inspire and touch the lives of us, your faithful fans, quite regularly, and that's worthwhile.
Penicillin in the mouth = GROSS!
I <3 Mumford & Sons!!! Colleen introduced us, and we are now great friends:).
Leg-shaving = WAAAAY TOO MUCH WORK! I keep telling people this; they don't believe me. They're minds have been warped by the culture.
Does the fact that I enjoy reading listed things say something about how pathetically short my attention span is? :D (Besides, I think it just goes to show there's so much to be said but that it all has to fit right here, right now.:)
I don't want an 8-5 job, either, or even the world-expected 7:30 or 8:00-3:30 or 4:00 job--the full-time teaching job. *Hrm.* But a job in a bookshop sounds lovely....
If you're having trouble praying because there's too much to think/talk about, try writing it down. That's what I do. Otherwise, the brain is apt to wander, more often than not...
Besides the bookshop part, I also want to work with youth group kids and be a poet/writer...
I opt for the loopiness, if at all possible. Rest in Christ; abide in him. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
I think our ability to unconditionally love animals (and children) reflects, just a little, God's unconditional love for us, in all our ridiculousness.
Love you, darling--so, so much.
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