01 October 2010

Life as I know it... at the moment

Fletcher just jumped in my face, purring like a maniac. It's a good thing I like that kitty or I'd have a hard time shelling out $150 on his travel expenses. Oh well, if this year has taught me anything it's that money is a liquid asset. I did start a budget today though, with my new salary, I'm gonna need it...

I don't want to leave the Machen Ranch, I still absolutely love it here, and will miss everyone immensely. Granted, deer season starts this week, so maybe missing out on the carnage will be okay... But they did offer me some venison when I get to my new job, and a crock pot, and they did invite me down for Christmas if I can get the day off :) God has been so good to me this year. I really can't emphasize that enough...

My travel plans are set in stone now (at least according to Southwest Airlines). I'm arriving in SeaTac at 11:20 on the night of October 20th, and leaving SeaTac at 9:30 in the morning on the 5th of December. The time in between is currently wide open... anybody want to hang out before I leave for a year?
Harry Potter must be seen,
Bucer's must be visited,
Dancing must occur at CJ's,
Ridiculous Halloween costumes must be made,
Copious amounts of tea need drinking,
Shopping for new work clothes has to happen,
Thanksgiving should take place (and I don't mean just the holiday),
Church should definitely be attended every week,
A quilt might just have to be made for the Father's Heart auction,
Rabies shots have to be fought by my immune system (booo!),
A movie night involving Iron Man 2 and pizza really should happen,
I need help deciding what to do for my 23rd birthday...

So yes, if you'd like to join me on any of these ventures, please, do let me know :)


patti said...

Love to see you Em while you are in WA. I will call you sometime and we can make plans...


Calamity Colleen said...

I can't wait to see you. :)

Lauren Kay said...

Yes, please!

Guinevere said...

I want so badly to see you--but how do I get remotely close to doing that? I have a feeling it won't be possible, but let me know where you are for the next almost-month. Hey! Are you going to Peter & Liz's wedding?????