29 May 2010

An Ode to Travelers

To all of you pack, unpack, and repack your life
On a regular basis.

To all of you who, when trying to find something,
Wonder what state, or country, or hemisphere you left it in

To all of you whose sense of accomplishment comes from
Fitting your life in the back of a car or pickup truck

To all of you who move from one time zone to another
Instead of one part of town to another

To all of you who are pros at sleeping
Wherever you find an empty spot

To all of you whose best friends are named
"Atlas" and "Google Maps"

To all of you who feel as if you'd go mad
If you were to stay in place for over a year

To all of you who feel panicked or talk for 5 minutes
When the question "Where are you from?" is asked

To all of you who can't remember where you are
When you wake up. It's okay.

To all of you whose hearts are scattered across the world
Because "Home is where the heart is"

Here's to all you modern day nomads :)

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