26 December 2008

Finals, booyah

So it seems I never have time to blog when I want to, and instead obsess over school... hmm, such is life. Anywho. It was an interesting finals/dead week. I wonder why God decides to let the major things happen at the times we're so stressed out. Perhaps to make us realize there are things more important than school?

I dunno.

Either way, in the past month I've become good friends with a 'friend' I've known for a good year and a half. Funny how that happens. Not funny, however, is the fact that we only have a semester left and then are going to opposite ends of the world for grad school... why? I wish I knew...

In other news: this is the first semester when I really don't know what grades I'm going to get. Despite the panic I display, I'm actually fairly calm about this. Maybe it's senioritius, maybe I'm distracted, maybe I'm chilling out... who knows. But 5 lab semester, here I come! Prepare to have your butt kicked by one determined little girl.

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