24 September 2010


Isn't it funny that a single comment from someone, doesn't even have to be someone who means a lot to you, can make you sit down hard and wonder what AM I doing with my life? What DO I want? And most importantly, what IS God's will?

With so many of my friends getting married, engaged, etc. and then settling down happily and not pursuing a career it makes me all the more determined to actually have a career. I feel like not enough women want to be independent and make something of themselves. But then I realized today that if I sit back and look at the big picture, it's actually the reverse. So many women are pursuing careers and independence that the concept of home and family is being swept out of the way. The daycares are full (as my mom can attest), the pre-K classrooms are packed, the idea of a stay at home mom is subtly looked down on... Here I sit wondering why the hell I feel that having a career is better than not having one, when the thought of settling down and having a full time job scares me.
Am I really that determined to prove people wrong?
Am I so afraid to change my mind because of the smug looks and comments I would get from a couple people?
Is my pride really that strong?!

Or is my lack of a biological clock God's will?


I am currently, solidly, on the fence.


Hannah said...

I think it just comes out of the heart of WHY you want to do something.
I dunno... choosing to do something just because it is counter to what the majority is doing doesn't make it right.
However, if you are choosing to do something because you feel called to it, then go to town.
I don't think that everybody is meant to follow the same path, but I wouldn't want to miss out on something good just because other people were experiencing it too...

patti said...

I just so enjoy hearing what is on your mind Em as everything that you say in words is thought out and fully understood as far as I am concerned. I was in your shoes once I can relate to how you are feeling...keep your thoughts coming.