11 September 2010


What's wrong with me?
What's stopping me from being all that I can be as a follower of Christ?
Why am I so damned insecure, when God has given me eternal security?
Why am I always so tired, and constantly using it as an excuse not to live life fully?

There are people who are far worse off than me, some in my own family, and yet it's so often all about me, me, me. Ew. Just ew. I disgust myself sometimes, and I'm so glad that I don't disgust my God. Anyway.

So often I feel like I need to do great things for God, and not menial tasks like emptying the dishwasher, feeding baby deer, making more iced tea when we run out, helping with dinner, making messes then cleaning them up, making quilts and not being patient enough to make them perfect. I can't remember what day it was, but I was reading My Utmost For His Highest the other day, and O. Chambers said something that is now ringing true in my mind. One of the most dangerous thing in the world for Christians is to do things for God. To work for Him. As if He didn't die for us when we were still sinners. As if we needed to curry His favor...

As if He's ever needed our help!

No, we need to do things with Him. Empty the dishwasher with Him, because it's what He would do: "If then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master..."

Jesus washed feet. Jesus did commonplace, mundane things *gasp* Another good quote from O. Chambers "It takes God Almighty incarnate in us to do the meanest duty as it ought to be done." So true. If we work with God in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in, we will be prepared when the storms hit.

I barely survived the last two massive storms in my life and I did not end either one well. I was barely prepared. I had gotten stuck in a rut of forgetting my God in the commonplace. And I'm falling into it again. By God's grace I won't fall completely.

1 comment:

Calamity Colleen said...

Good thoughts, Love. I think everyone can relate to some of this.